Christian, Individualized, Filipino, International
JFA is CHRISTIAN. In using A.C.E. School of Tomorrow System®, its philosophy of education is totally theistic. It believes that the Bible is the main foundation of all truth and the curriculum it uses begins with the basic Biblical presuppositions: God’s unique purpose for every individual, the individuality of each person, the priesthood of the believer, and the importance and accountability of every individual on a personal basis towards God. All subjects are presented in the light of the Scriptures; therefore, students are trained to live from a Biblical worldview. The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the center of the church-school ministry, the model, and ideal for character.
JFA as a Christian school strives to realize its call to service. Through various activities, JFA allows its students to have hands-on experience in missions by serving others. Some of its programs are outreaches, community immersion, relief-giving activities, and exposure trips abroad. Training for church ministry becomes a natural outflow of the Biblical training the students get from their studies. The ultimate goal – the glory of GOD.
This is JFA’s commitment to
JFA is INDIVIDUALIZED. Individualism is theistic and must be re-affirmed as a basic philosophy of education and life. JFA provides classrooms that enhance maximum individualized learning. Unlike conventional schools, JFA puts students of different ages and academic levels in one room called a “Learning Center” where a “supervisor” and an assistant provide help and instruction to compliment the learning process made possible through the use of self-instructional materials of the A.C.E. School of Tomorrow®. In this way, the responsibility of learning is given to the student.
The individualized system of the A.C.E. School of Tomorrow® allows each student to work at his own pace. It, therefore, caters to all kinds of children – “the fast-learner, the average, and the slow-learner.” The school does not in any way categorize the students as such but identifies the academic and vocational skills and abilities of every child so that he can be given the correct academic program to prepare him for tertiary education and his future station in life.
Upon reaching the end of six years in elementary school – an evaluation of the student’s performance will determine his high school program. Though JFA’s Junior High School program may be classified as “General Secondary,” it has sub-classifications – Honors Course of Study (Math or Science Concentration for those seeking to pursue a career in engineering, math, natural sciences, and related disciplines), College Preparatory Course (social sciences, business, education, communications, and related fields) & General Course of Study (for vocational, arts and related fields). A fourth sub-classification is called Para-Professional Track, which aims to prepare students with special academic needs to pursue non-degree courses after high school. These courses of study transition students smoothly to the Senior High School programs they will take.
The staff-student ratio of 1:10 to 1:15 guarantees that each student is personally cared for. A JFA “teacher” is more than just an academic instructor. He or she takes on the different roles of teaching, assisting, motivating, counseling, pastoring, and at times, parenting. Our teachers recognize that they are in JFA not because of the job, but because God called them to the ministry – the ministry of preparing future leaders through quality Christian education.
This is JFA’s commitment to DISCIPLESHIP.
JFA is FILIPINO. Though it uses an international curriculum, JFA remains Filipino at heart. Jesus’ Flock Academy Foundation, Inc. is a one hundred percent Filipino non-stock, non-profit educational corporation. As a Filipino school, JFA seeks to promote the spirit of nationalism and aims to contribute to the development goals of the nation. Through regular interaction with foreign nationals, including its few foreign students, JFA seeks to establish the uniqueness of the Filipino culture and hopes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Filipino in the field of world missions and global service.
In line with this, JFA promotes alternative classroom activities that will help increase awareness of society and its needs. Classes make use of outside-the-classroom-learning processes like field trips, community visitations, workshops, and camps. Through the integration of socio-cultural activities in its programs and the importance given to subjects in the national language, literature, history, geography, civics, and economics, JFA aims to enrich the students’ sense of appreciation of the Philippine culture, inculcating in them the truth that God has a special and unique purpose for this nation.
This is JFA’s commitment to CITIZENSHIP.
JFA is INTERNATIONAL. The A.C.E. School of Tomorrow® system have been tried and proven for over five decades in thousands of schools – public, government, private, and church-schools – in more than one hundred countries throughout the world. Being international, therefore, as far as JFA is concerned means that its basic curriculum is designed to be applicable in any national setting – a powerful way of preparing globally effective individuals in a growing community of nations. Though the use of an international program does not make JFA an international school, an integral part of its mission is to assist foreign missionaries here in the Philippines in the education of their children by accepting a limited number of foreign students. High school students are encouraged to participate in the A.C.E. International Student Convention held annually in the United States for global exposure.
JFA also recognizes the fact that as a Christian school, its mandate is to raise men and women who will take the light of the Lord Jesus Christ to different parts of the world – both as conventional and professional missionaries.
This is JFA’s commitment to